Everything you need to know about inter-row sowing
Some of the observed advantages of inter-row sowing include improved stubble handling and boosts in crop yields. This is because the standing stubbles help reduce disease, make weed control easier, improve plant establishment, and create a favourable microclimate for seedlings. There are multiple reports of reduced soil-borne disease and crown rot in inter-row crops. Herbicides are also more effective with inter-row sowing because the soil being used is not covered by crop residue from previous years.
Furthermore, farmers save time and money as they are able to leave stubble high at harvest instead of having to slash it. This also means there is less soil throw, improving the harvesting of legumes and pulse crops.
Due to the seeds being sown within the stubble rows, there have been reported improvements in water infiltration and conservation. The stubbles slow and dissipate any flowing water. There is also full ground cover during summer which is beneficial as it lowers soil temperatures and holds any usable soil moisture. The stubble is also a helpful windbreak for smaller crops in the early parts of the season.
However, there are some challenges associated with this sowing method. Regardless of GPS equipment, the ability to accurately track in a straight line remains its biggest challenge. For inter-row sowing, accuracy is the key to getting optimal results. Patience and attentiveness are essential. Farmers must spend the first year setting up the sowing equipment to achieve straight lines repeatedly along the farm land, and then only in the second year can they start inter-row sowing.
As such, it is critical that a careful choice of equipment is made. Typically, a real-time kinematic (RTK) auto-steer system is used, with a guidance of 2 cm. With this, you can get repeatable accuracy of seed placement within 2 cm of the previous year’s row while maintaining a straight line through the length of the field. This is estimated to have 90% accuracy.
For most years, inter-row sowing in this way has been very successful in the marginal farming districts of Australia. However, in years with a large lodged stubble load, seeder machines often experience blocking issues when working inter-row.
For inter-row sowing to work effectively, farmers really need to be running at a 300 mm seeding row spacing to allow residue to pass through the seeder. However, in the past five years due to an increase in chemical resistance weeds, farmers are bringing their seeding rows back to a 250 mm spacing. The narrower spacing means increased plant competition which is choking out the weeds and bringing higher yields. A minimised row spacing also means a more workable stubble management system that ensures maximum yield.
Proper equipment is paramount to successful inter-row sowing. Farmers need automatic steer and implement guidance systems to ensure repeatable accuracy. The Flexi-Coil Air Drill range features a variety of customisable air drill systems suitable for inter-row sowing. These systems stand alone in terms of accuracy, innovation, effectiveness and efficiency.
The Flexi-Coil 5500 Air Drill can be effectively used for inter-row systems in uneven terrain and variable soil types. It has a unique configuration which contributes to its excellent and accurate ground following abilities.
The 5000HD Air Drill is another system that can be used for inter-row sowing. It has a flexible frame and four bar configuration which means it demonstrates repeatable precision in a wide variety of seeding conditions. The 6100 Precision Disc Drill also delivers excellent ground following ability, and accurate and repeatable seed placement. Each machine is customisable to suit the needs of any terrain or weather condition.
Most farmers prefer the inter-row sowing method for its ability to increase crop yield, improve stubble handling, and reduce crop damage. While there remains a challenge of accuracy in tracking, this can be fixed by utilising the right equipment that is best suited to the needs of your farm. As such, inter-row sowing remains a favoured practice in the Australian farming industry.