Flexi-Coil rewards top dealers and customers with exclusive Canadian experience
08 August 2024
A group of 35 Flexi-Coil dealers, customers, and staff travelled to Canada in July to celebrate their contributions to the brand, with a jampack trip showing them all that Canada has to offer, while exploring the brand’s heritage and showcasing machine developments firsthand at the Flexi-Coil factory in Saskatoon.
Flexi-Coil & Liquid Systems Deliver Solution For Aussie Farmers
29 July 2024
Once considered a niche farming practice, liquid applications are growing in popularity with Australian farmers. Recognising the need for a factory solution to cater to this market, Canadian-based manufacturer Flexi-Coil decided to partner with South Australian company Liquid Systems.
Getting the Dirt on Soil Compaction
15 June 2023
Soil compaction is a widespread agricultural problem that affects crop yields and overall soil health. It occurs when soil particles are pressed together, reducing the space available for air and water, which are essential for plant growth. As a result, plant roots struggle to penetrate the compacted soil, leading to stunted growth and reduced yields. In addition, compacted soil is more prone to erosion, which can cause further loss of topsoil and nutrients.
Disc seeding for zero till farming: the pros and cons
15 April 2023
Soil is one of Australia’s most valuable resources. Each year, soil contributes around $63 billion to the Australian economy through agricultural production. It stands to reason that soil should be kept healthy and sustainable. This is part of why zero till farming, with its less disruptive approach to farming, has grown in popularity.
Everything you need to know about inter-row sowing
15 March 2023
Inter-row sowing has been a greatly debated practice in Australia’s agricultural sphere since the early 2000s. The practice involves retaining the previous year’s stubble rows and sowing crops in between those rows. Inter-row sowing is known to help improve crop emergence in various ways due to the retained stubble providing a number of benefits.